Karang Gantung, Hidden Rock Climbing Spot in Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia

Located 6 km south of Wonosobo City, Central Java, Indonesia, this spot is not really known. Even local people sometimes do not know what or where it is when we asked for the way to get here. Just when we arrived there, the access was overgrown by grasses as it is never passed.

Karang Gantung is rock which stands facing Serayu River. The height ranges from 10 meters to 25 meters and length is about 450 m. Actually this is suitable for rock climbing. In the past, the first time i visited this rock, it was clear with lush bamboo forest. And texture of the rock is visible. Yet now, bamboo forest altered to farm field and plus, the rock is overgrown by plants.

The rock has 3 small meditation caves which are still used.

Local people call this rock as Karang Gantung or Watu Tedeng.