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Maybe most people only recognize batik from Central Java such as Pekalongan, Solo or Yogyakarta. It is very rare people, even Indonesian know that Batik is originally from East Java. In history record, Batik can be traced in Trowulan, Mojokerto, known as the former capital of Majapahit Empire (12-15th century). Only batik spread widely after the period of Kasultanan Yogyakarta and Surakarta. In East Java batik can be found in Trenggalek, Tulungagung, Mojokerto, Sidoarjo, Surabaya and Madura.
In this tour you will be taken TO SEE various kind of batik, from silk to cotton, painted to semi painted/ semi-print batik. Here visitors can see old batik motive to contemporary batik motives, and also learn to make batik painting from early phase until finish.
Package 1. Knowing Batik (2-3 Hours)
This package constitutes of 2 to 3 hours of painting batik on a white textile, including finishing phase. Participants will be shown how to paint using canting and wax on a pattern that is made previously by the participant. After that coloring phase will also be demonstrated to the batik motives the participants made.
Package 2. Understand Batik (3 Days)
This package constitutes of 2 to 3 hours,in three session different days. All the stages to make batik will be taught by instructor.
Package 3. Mastering Batik (6 Days)
This package constitutes of 2 to 3 hours, in 6 session on different days. This is suitable for participant who stay a bit long in Surabaya. This course will give detail of batik knowledge for whoever wants to master batik painting.
Here you will also have the chance to buy batik as souvenirs to bring back home for family or friends.
Photos of Learning Batik in Surabaya
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