Mount Semeru in East Java Indonesia erupted again, yester day (4/12/2022) exactly one year after eruption last year (4/12/2021). The eruption destructed Gladak Perak bridge located in Sumberwuluh Village, Candipuro, Lumajang. This cuts the main route of Malang-Lumajang via south route. Therefore Pronijowo area, where Tumpak Sewu Waterfall, situated can not be accessed via Curah Koboan Route.
Volcanology and Deology Disaster Mitigation Center (PVMBG) recorded grey ash cloud from Mt Semeru crater on 02.46 AM and soared as high as 1,500 meters above the summit. The hot could was stemmed from material at the crater rim and they fell continuously until 06.00 am spread over 7 km from the summit heading Besik Kobokan. Since 00.00 till 06.00 , volcanic 8 quake activities are recorded and one quake with the hot ash.
Almost 2000 people were refuge after the eruption and government raise the alert status of Mt Semeru.
Hampir 2.000 warga mengungsi menyusul meletusnya Gunung Semeru di Jawa Timur, hari Minggu (04/12/2022), yang mengeluarkan awan panas dan lava ke kawasan-kawasan di sekitarnya. People are not allowed to do any activities within 5 KM radius from the Mt Semeru summit.