1. ANDUNG (TREE OF LIFE) is symbol of place to hang human head arrival from war which means glory and victory
  2. ANA TAU (HUMAN) depicts as human mix with animal which means that human must keep the environment, side by side with animals that the local wisdom can be conserved for generations. In Marapu belief, this also means sincere. Ana tau with human hand opens means there is nothing to hide before God.
  3. BUANDA is symbol of brotherhood ties created by ikat weaving maker artist, Titus K Limu in 2017.
  4. FLOWER is symbol of human life and that humans needs one another as symbol of beauty
  5. RAU AU (BAMBOO LEAF) is symbol of natural dyes that are used from generation to generation and also means unconditional actions.
  6. WALLA WATAR (CORN FLOWER). Corn is the stable food of Sumbanese, ans the corn flower is the symbol of prosperity.
  7. PATOLA BUNGA (PATOLA FLOWER) was introduced by Indian traders and it is symbol of beauty
  8. PATOLA KAMBA is symbol of appreciation and symbol of eternal life. It also symbolizes that any valuable things kept using cotton or fabric.
  9. PATOLA RATU is symbol that can only be worn by royals.
  10. MATA HUTAR is created by artist Paulus Balla as symbol of beauty
  11. HUNDA RANGGA symbol of palace and appreciation
  12. WALLA MANGATA is symbol of beauty
  13. KAMBIHA NJARA (TAPAK KUDA) or hoof is symbol of prosperity
  14. KARIHU is similar to letter X which means hardworking women
  15. KANDUNNU (STAR) is symbol of hope
  16. HIAMBA ROTI is flower similar to patola ratu which means beauty and harmony
  17. MAMULI is symbol of women. Women give birth symbolizes fertility and respecting women
  18. MARA HUTAR, UWARI PAITA(Parea flower), and Hiamba Hay are symbol of beauty and balance. And Kandunnu is star that symbolizes hope. The Four symbols in one symbolizes heaven and earth. Iyang motif (fish) symbolizes beauty and prosperity.
  19. SQUID is symbol of spirit travel to eternity
  20. KURA MBIU/SHRIMP (BIG SHRIMP) in Marapu Belief is symbol of life after death or reincarnation
  21. ANA KURANG (SMALL SHRIMP) has same meaning as Kura Mbiu
  22. TANOMA//KARA/TURTLE is symbol of queen (Karawulang queen) as crown in Sumba and made out of turtle shell
  23. NJARA (HORSE) is symbol of authority, majesty and unity
  24. ELEPHANT is symbol of power
  25. DRAGON is adapted from China, and it is symbol of authority, bravery and victory
  26. WUYA (CROCODILE) symbol f kingdom, royals which symbolizes bravery
  27. RUHA (DEER) symbolizes good status and nature conservation
  28. KATARU MBAKUL (SNAKE) is symbol of arrogancy and also means life after death
  29. MAHANG HAWURUNG (FLYING LION) is fantasy creature and symbol of power and authority
  30. MAHANG KATIKU NJARA (HORSEHEAD LION) is symbol of power
  31. MAHANG KATIKU TAU (HUMAN HEAD LION) is symbol of authority
  32. TAU RIANJA (DANCERS) is symbol of hapiness
  34. NDUI WILHELMINA (COIN WILHELMINA) is inspired by coin during Dutch East Indies period
  35. PARENJA NJARA NIMBU (PASOLA DANCE) is traditional event to ask forgiveness to God and for god crops ahead
  36. TAU KALITI NJARA (HORSE RIDER) symbolizes authority, majesty and high social status
  37. PAPANGGANG (KARAWULANG QUEEN), depicts as queen riding bull under umbrella or papanggang which is usually can be found in a women fabric that tells about kings burial procession
  38. MANU (CHICKEN), a hen is symbol of unity which cock is symbol of bravery
  39. MANGINU (SPARROW) is symbol of peace
  40. MANU MARRA (PEACOCK) is symbol to protect nature
  41. KAKA (COCKATOO) is symbol of discussion for a solution
  42. PIRIIHU (PARROT) has same meaning as Kaka
  43. REA 9 (DUCK) symbolizes leader that gives good example
  44. KAWUNG (BUTTI (MONKEY) symbolizes agile to manage life
  45. KARUNNGU (CRAB) is symbol of beauty and prosperity
  46. KARAMBUA (BULL) is symbol of power and social status
  47. WELI METI LUNDU TANUNG (DEATH TILL BURIAL RITUAL) is symbol of royal burial ritual

If you are interested to visit Sumba Island for wastra or traditional textile odyssey please let us know. Sumba is rich of traditional textile that you can learn and observe.

We have also tour to learn about traditional textile in Java, Bali, Borneo, Lombok, Sumba, Flores. Feel free to contact us.