Is classic batik type with dominant color of brown/ brownish. It was named as sogan type batik as in the beginning the dying process used natural dye from soga tingi tree (Ceriops tagal). This batik type can be found in Yogyakarta and Solo and it has classic standard motifs. Yogyakarta sogan batik textile are dominated by color of dark brown, black and white. While Solo sogan batik are dominated by brown orange-ish color, brown or black.
Is the typical batik from Lasem, which is located on the northern coast of Java. Tiga Negeri means three regions as this batik is influenced by motives from Dutch, Javanese and Chinese. The motifs depicts animals, plants, flower, butterflies and the colors are very colorful.
can be found in Pekalongan located at the north coast of Java. As coastal area it is affected by traders arrived in the area in the 19th Century and that its batik motifs are influenced by Chinese culture. The colors are vibrant with floral, animals, butterflies , birds motives.
Is originally from Tanjung Bumi village of Madura. Gentong is a big jar made out of clay. It is called Batik Gentongan because the dying process use gentong. The natural dye is added to water in gentong and then sealed, batik maker will put the fabric in the gentong and let it for 24 hours and then repeated again for months and sometimes for a year. The color is very vibrant and because of this dying process the color lasts forever.
is originally from Cirebon, a region on the north coast of Java. The motives are influenced by Chinese culture as Chinese traders came to the area. Chinese culture mixed with Cirebon culture by acculturation and one of examples is marriage of Islam ullema who married Chinese woman in the 15-16th Century. The motif is picture of cloud and now comes with various colors and motifs.
Is classic motifs which has philosophy derives from Hindu-Java belief and in the past could only be worn by Javanese royals in the palace (kraton) of Yogyakarta and Surakarta.
Is originally from Banten and it is created by Baduy Tribe and then spread across Banten region. The motif is alocasia leaf in colorful soft color.
is batik from Magetan region in East Java.Magetan is situated on slope of Mount Lawu that is rich of bamboo , or locally called as pring. The philosophy of this batik motif is that human must be useful to the earth and others like bamboo trees.
Can be found in Yogyakarta and Solo. According to history this motif was created when Mataram Kingdom reigned that parang is one of the oldest batik motifs. Parang derives from pereng means slope. Now parang motif can be found also in various regions with different accents.
is also one of the oldest motif of Batik. It is originally from Yogyakarta. The classic kawung often used by designer to give accent in their designs.
Is the typical batik from Garut in West Java. The motives are inspired by nature, and mountain life such as vegetables, mangosteen, birds. The color are vibrant with diagonal motives.
Is very special batik from Tuban, East Java, Indonesia. The fabric is weaved manually from cotton yarn and then painted like how batik normally processed. All of Batik Gedhog are handprinted, and they now use natural dye for batik color.