Well if you are visiting Yogyakarta and would like to get some beautiful documentation for your Instagram feeds, here are some recommended place for you.

KALIBIRU is located in Kulonprogo, about 1 hour drive from Yogyakarta International Airport. If your flight arrives morning or noon, you can visit this view point before heading to Yogyakarta city. The view is mesmerizing, green hilly landscape with water reservoir.

KEDUNG KAYANG VIEW POINT is a view point where you can capture Waterfall and Mount Merapi in one single photo shot. The picture is jaw dropping and dramatic. Best time to visit is in the morning when sky is clear and Mt Merapi is not covered by mist. However when there is some mist there, it is also more magical.

AGROWISATA BHUMI MERAPI is located on slope of Mt Merapi. The instagramable place here is some background of Santorini, Japan path, colorful alleys and beautiful murals. The entrance fees is inclusive all those photo area.

HEHA SKYVIEW is located about 1 hour drive from the city. This is the place where you can see Yogyakarta from above. The most interesting feature here is the glass bridge, that if you want to take photograph here , there is additional fee for IDR 30,000 and staff will take photo if you with their camera and you can save them for IDR 5000/photo.

HEHA OCEAN VIEW is located further about 2,5 hours from Yogyakarta city. There are some photo booth where you can take photo with ocean background for an extra fee.

GAMPLONG STUDIO ALAM is a movie studio for some Indonesian films. One of the most popular films shot here is Bumi Manusia. You can ride on train and also photo with the houses and all the buildings.

LOST WORLD CASTLE is has beautiful Mt Merapi as background and some European castles building perfect for photoshoot. This place is not fully finished yet (when we visit) , construction is still in progress.