Lembah Harau

Harau valley is located in Payakumbuh, about 2 hours from Bukittinggi. The area is settled and there are some village and it is surrounded by canyon with height ranges from 80 meters to 300 meters. Once you enter the area, you will be amazed by the view of the canyon, especially the waterfall which creates the view like in Lord of the Ring movie.
There is a monument nearby Sarasah Bunta Waterfall, which proves that Harau Canyon has been visited by visitors due its beauty in 1926, in the Dutch Indies period. SInce 1993, Harau has become nature and wildlife reserve. Harau is home for some species of Sumatra endemic animals such as monkeys and birds .
Geologically, the rocks in Harau is 30-40 million years old. The rocks contains organic carbon, which was formed from organisms. According to a research in 1980, the rocks in the area is Brassierea and Conglomerate which are usually found in the ocean.
Harau is beautiful especially if seen from above the canyon. We can see the villages, waterfalls and also another canyons caging the valley.