Tanjung Gaang is located in Bawean Island, actually the location is not far, only 8 KM from Sangkapura Port, however if you drive car to get Somor Somor Hamlet where the cape located, it will take quiet long. The road is very narrow and very steep in some part that it is recommended to ride motorbike instead than driving car.
Entering the forest we must trek, which takes about 30 minutes to reach the cape. The trek is easy and not steep, which is good if you bring family.
The cape has a small beach surrounded by reef. It is best visited in the afternoon about 15.00 when the tide comes. The most beautiful view can be seen by walking through the reef and seeing the greenish blue shallow sea nearby the reef down there. Must be careful to walk about the reef, especially for children must be watched carefully. The reef itself is beautiful to be seen. Some has unique holes directly to the sea. Above the reef there is some white sands that the water must reach the above reef sometimes when the tide is really high.
The reef indicates that this reef was one upon a time located in the bottom of shallow sea before the sea level lower like today. I can only imagine that the whole island must not be an island in the very past when the ice in the world melted and rise of the sea level. And Lake Kastoba was probably an active volcano in the middle of the sea.
On the low tide, some locals working fishing here.
For pictures about Tanjung Gaang, you can check the this. PICTURES.