Museum Keris Nusantara: Solo, Central Java, Indonesia

Solo has new museums displaying keris from Java and also from other regions of Indonesia. The three stories building also has diorama about keris making in the past, philosophies and intricacies about keris. 

The first floor displays information about the material of keris. The second floor displays about parts of keris: such as pesi, badik, waranggana. On the next floor displays keris and also tombak. 

I find it very interesting visiting this museum. There are some information in the museum that we never knew, like the part of keris or spears (Tombak) which is used to take out the intestines of the enemy, like what happened to Arya Penangsang. When he fought against Sutawijaya of Pajang Kingdom, and hot stabbed on his stomach, that his intestines was unpacked , that Aryo Penangsang must twine his intestines around his keris to keep on fighting. 

The museum is informative and it has also guide who can explain more to visitors. And it has lift facilities that it is disable friendly.