Located on slope of Mount Penanggungan, this museum with educative and entertaining is located. It taked about 2 hours drive from Solo City to Rumah Atsiri Indonesia, in Karanganyar.
The tour is very educative, that visitors will know more about atsiri or essential oil. And i just knew that essential oil is not just fragrant but also flavor. There are essential oil plants that can be seen here such as: rose, rosemary, lemon grass, citronella, cendana, lavender, and many more.
The establishment was still new, but in the near future, there will be tour to know the process of making essential oil. Right now, what is already read for visitors are Atsiri garden tour and enjoying marigold plaza and we can purchase essential oil made by Rumah Atsiri Indonesia.
This establishment was planned by Indonesia’s first president, Soekarno, for essential oil factory, in cooperation with Belgium in 1960ies. However it was stopped for some reason and since 2015 it was run by PT Rumah Atsiri Indonesia as museum.