Malang Tempoe Doeloe Museum

Though it is called as museum, this is unlike the usual one. Malang Tempoe Doeloe Museum (Malang Yesteryear Museum), has fresh and modern look.

This museum was officially opened in 22 october 2012 by Dwi Cahyono. He is the owner of the moseum and also the chief of Malang Art Council and also who initiate Old Malang Festival to be revived.

The exterior is very modern. The museum concept is New Concept Modern Live Museum. There are many information offered here from paleontology, pre-historic, history and independence struggle of Indonesia.

There are 20 rooms with various concepts. The first room visitors will be taken to the era of 1.5 millions years ago. In this room there are various collections of artifacts and also how to know how old these artifacts are. Visitor will find also informations about Malang which is encircled by major mountains : Mt Kelud, Mt Kawi, Mt Welirang, Mt Arjuna, Mt Bromo, Mt Tengger and Mt Semeru. This information can be enjoyed in video.

Malang 760 AD, there was a kingdom of Kanjuruhan. Ater passing a forest visitors will meet Singasari Kingdom. Ken Arok, the king of Singasari visually doing meditation.

Period of Kediri, and Majapahit Kingdom were also interpreted here. The pedigree of major kings with statue miniature and wax statues. There is also diorama which visualize the kidnapping of Ken Dedes by Tunggul Ametung.

And there are still more other interesting information and collections in this museum. It opens daily from 08.00-17.00.