WORLDMATE (24 hours travek agency)
Sets every detail of your trip, from flight schedule to hotel list. Find spesific information about the destination like currency conversion, and calculator.
BONUS: Adjust with your social networks.
Free for Iphone and Android
SKYPE (Global Call)
Changes your internet connection to telephone or conference call. This will connect you freely to other skype users. Or phone call with cheap rates.
Free for Iphone and Android
TAADA (Photo Projector)
Filters and frames for your photo shots and then upload so your friends can see too. This High Definition makes photography as an art piece makes not-so-good shot gets compliments.
BONUS: This application faster and easier than Isntagram
Free for Iphone only
WEATHERLIVE (The Crystal Ball)
Keeps monitoring the place you are visited. This application only shows information when you are moving to new place. Animations show illustrating the real situation in real time.
BPONUS: An icon shows the real time temperature helps us to pick outfit.
Free for Iphone
Translates text in 64 languages.
Free for IPhone and Android.
Checks symptoms of illness. Very useful when you decide when to travel, or if you should delay your trip, check your health and get treatment.. You can also identify pill according the color and shape to get the side effects information.
BONUS:First Aid Tips can be read even without internet connection
Free for Iphone and Android