Surabaya is very hot during day especially in dry season. We sweat a lot and cold drinks could fresh our mind in hot day.Here are cold drinks in Surabaya to end your thirst.
1. Es Campur Tempoe Doeloe IBC (Ikan Bakar Cianjur: Jl Manyar Kertoarjo V No 44-48)
This drink consists of fried fermented casava, cincau, jelly, young coconut, avocado, coconut milk, and red syrup topping and presented in old fashioned glass. Other yummy fresh drink in Tempoe Doeloe is Es Cianjur which has special presentation, with ingredients such as fermented casava, jelly, young coconut, avocado, with sweet milk. Presented in a bowl and garnished with red cherry over grated ice.
2. Es Shanghai Depot 369 (Depot 369 : Jalan Imam Bonjol 50)
One of unique ice drink from Depot 369 is teh busa (bouy tea), a perfect mix of tea, soda with fresh fruits. Other dessert you can taste here is red peanut, cincau, kolang kaling (Dutch: glibbertjes) with milk. The drink is very nice especially with the soft taste of red peanut. The blend taste of milk with the ingredients, vanilla syrup is just perfect.
3. Es Teler Tanjung Anom (Jl Tanjung Anom 15)
Tanjung Anom Es Teles is very special, a perfect mix of young coconut, slices of jack fruit, soft avocado, red pearl sago, grated ice and coconut milk and milk mix together. This stall opens from 12 midday to 10 pm.
4. Es Doger Cafe Betawi (Kafe Betawi: Grand City Mall 4th Floor, Jl Walikota Mustajab No 1)
Es Doger is special drink from Betawi/ Batavia/Jakarta. In Betawi culture this ice drink is made for celebrations such as circumcision and wedding. Es dogger is made of fermented casava, coconut, and black sticky rice. This cafe serve Betawi menus such as Tahu Gejrot, Kue Rangi, Roti Bakar and Kerak Telor.
5.Es Teler Pacar Keling (Jalan Pacar Keling 9D)
This is the most popular es teler stall in Surabaya. ALong pacar keling there are many iced drink stalls and one of the most prominent is stall of Haji Mujiono or Es Teler Pak No. Fruit slices in the drink are apple, jackfruit, melon, mango, sawo, coconut, pineapple, grapes, served in jumbo bowl.
6. Es Kopyor Durian (Es Teler & Bakso 17, Pasar Atom, 2nd floor)
The portion for this drink is huge, so it freshes and makes you full at the same time. As its name, it has a bit strong durian aroma and taste. Suitable for durian lovers.
7. Kahula Rempah Restaurant (Rempah Indonesian Resto : Jl Kedungsari 62)
Kahula is a mix of coconut with orange squash and served in jumbo glass. One portion of Kahula can be shared to up to 5 persons.
8. Es Garuda Paksi, Dewa Ndaru Culture Resto (Mayjend Sungkono 17-19 Surabaya)
Es Garida Paksi consists of fermented casave, coconut, jackfruit, pearl sago, soursop, jelly, and grated ice. Other special drinks in this resto are : Es Fantasi Selendang Sutra, Es Dewa Teler Mabuk Asmara.
9. Es Coklat Tambar Umur (Jl Simokerto)
This stall opens since 1960 and you can only find chocolate drink here, and fried dishes. No other drinks. The secret recipe from the chocolate is hard to guess. Unlike chocolate drink in cafe, the chocolate taste kicks more as it is served without milk or cream.
10. Juice Dorian Beer (Es Juice Purnama Ria, Jl Pajajaran No 15)
This stall opens since 1969 from 10 am to 10 pm. You can try Juice Kopyor Susu, Juice Durian Susu, Juice Nangka and the most extreme is Juice Durian Beer as it has alcohol.