Rambutan derives from Indonesian, rambut means hair /hairy. The tree of rambutan grown on average temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, it can be as high as 8 meters and the branch can be 4 meters long. Rambutan growth depends on the water supply. After the fruit season over, rambutan tree will have new cranches. This phase can be seen by the color of the leaves dominated by young green leaves. This growth will cease when water supply is limited and tree rests from growing.
This tree produces flower after 7 years after the seed is planted, yet when it is 2 years old it can produce flower if planted vegetatively. Rambutan has androdioecious nature, it has male flower and also female and hermaphrodite flower. But male flower does not produces fruit.
Efflorescence is influenced by season or water supply. 3 months dry season stops vegetative growth and stimulates flower. On the north of Sumatera, which did not have dry season rambutan can produce fruits twice a year. In other place, flowers grow after 3 months dry season (Kalimantan and Java during October and November). Pollination is favored by some kind of bee, but usually is Trigona.
Rambutan jas hairy skin on the outside. It is green when young and it is getting more yellow and red when it is rape. The color of the inside fruit is white. Usually rambutan season is from December to March, when other seasonal fruits can be found at the same time such as Durian and Mango.
Here are various Indonesian rambutan species: Rapiah, Bahrang, Binjai, Nona, ANtalagi, Sibongkok, Sinonya and Sitangke.