Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia (Part 1)

Port of Tanjung Perak is one of the gateways of Indonesia which becomes goods collector and distribution from and to Eastern Indonesia. Because its strategic location and the existence of surrounding hinterlands, this port constitutes the center of inter island shipping for Eastern Indonesia.
Previously the oceangoing vessels did loading and unloading activities at Madura Straitand then freighted the cargoes by the means of barges and boats to Jembatan Merah (the first port in that time) situated along Kalimas river, at the heart of Surabaya City.
Due to the increases of trade, cargo and transportation traffics, the facilities available at port were inadequate. Therefore in 1875 Ir W de Jonght planned to build the port of Tanjung Perak so that the leading and unloading activities could be carried out directly without using barges and boats. Yet this plan was rejected since it needed a lot of funds.
During the 9th century the port construction could not be found while cargo transport traffic settled in jembaran Merah were sustained in the increased number. The Plan of port construction introduced by Ir W de Jongth was neglected.
In the first 10 years of the 20th century Ir WB Van Goor made a more realistic plan, that was, all oceangoing vessels might move closer to the quay (berthing). Two experts were expected to come from the Nether;ands, anmely, Prof DR Krauss and GJ de Jong and to give any proposals on port construction planning of Tanjung Perak.
After 1910 the physical construction of Tanjung Perak Port was initiated and during the accomplishment of port construction the demand of using incomplete-built quay rose in number.
The finishing of quay construction facilitated the oceangoing vessels to do their loading and unloading activities at port. Port Kalimas later functioned to be a port with providing service for traditional transports and sailing boats, in the meantime the port at Jembatan Merah was gradually abandoned.
Therefore, starting from that time Port of Tanjung Perak started to take part in contributing economic development in a quiet large scale and to have important role in increasing trade traffic both in East Java and the whole parts of Eastern Indonesia.
To support the task, the construction of inter island terminal was completed in 1983 known as MIrah Terminal. For the interests of inter island passengers, there was a passenger terminal located at North of Jamrid area. NEst to the passenger terminal, a fery terminal was built for the service of passenger was built and for the service pf passenger Surabaya-Madura destination on 24 hours service.
Time was passing and Port of Tanjung Perak has showed its strategic role as national gateway port. Then a container terminal was planned to build and its physical construction was finished in 1992.
Container terminal is acknowledged as Terminal Petikemas Surabaya. Those various facilities put port of Tanjung Perak in the movements of continuously supporting the development of Surabaya and the territories around.

The services presented by PT PERSERO Pelabuhan Indonesia III Tanjung Perak Branch contains:
1. Providing port waters and basin for the smoothness of vessel traffic and mooring activities
2. Guiding and tugging ship (pilot works) for the safety of ship’s movements.
3. Warehouses and Open storage
4. Wharf for berthing cargo handling activities and passenger facility
5. Providing electricity supply and water distribution especially for the need of general ships fire brigare etc.
6. Providing land and building for supporting the smoothness of sea transport and the need of port industrial hinterland.
7. Port information system
8. Other miscellaneous business which maintain corporate objectives

Segments of business managed by Port of Tanjung Perak contain:
1. Main facilities cover mooring, berthing activities and wharf service
2. Ship service covers guiding and tugging (pilotage) activities.
3. Stacking facilities cover warehousing and open storage
4. TBAL covers land and building rents, supply of waters and electricity for ships and public needs.
5. Miscellanous business covers electricity supply, port ID and other kinds of business.

Slight Navigational description:
Port of Tanjung Perak is Surabaya port situated at teh position of 112043’22” east longitude and 07o11’54” south latitude. It is definitely at Madura Strait of northern of Surabaya and comprises 1,574.3 ha of water area and 574.7 ha of land area.
The maximum height of wave reaches 1.5 m (out bar) and 0.05 m (at port basin).
The average speed of wind is 12 knots
There are two dominant water currents which can be found at port channel and berthing area and flow from west side to east one or on the other way. The stream direction change every 6 hours with maximum speed of 3 knots.
Drought and rainy season
The tide reaches its maximum high point of 2.5 m.
Sea Bottom
Sand and Mud
Water Area:
Outer Port basin: Width: 15,556,300 m2, Draft : -12.0 M/LWS
Inner Port basin : Width : 784,000 m2, Draft: -9.6M/LWS

Navigational Channel:
Length : 24 Miles
Width : 100 M
Draft : -9,7-12 MLWS

Source : Port of Tanjung Perak Profile