Candi Gedhong, The Palace of Queen Nararya Kirana

This temple is located in Dedong Putri, Kloposawit, Candipuro, in the middle of sawah. Gedong Putri temple is one of the remain of Queen Nararya Kirana, believed to be the queen of LUmajang. Perhaps it is a bit surprising that it is queen not king which is commonly known. Seen from the temple name and several history reference, Nararya Kirana loved flower showing femininity.

This temple is not that spacious, only few meters square and surrounded by fence. On the north there is Lingga and Yoni, as symbol of human fertility, and decorated with tendril motive and dragon head. From the existence of Lingga and Yoni , it is concluded that is is a Hindu temple.

The temple is only ruin of red bricks and this temple is related to local legend, Gua Maling Aguna. Experts believe that this temple was the settlement of palace official / royal family. According to Dutch report in 1902, the temple has 3 levels and when it was found it is located in the middle of forest. Also found andesit block, estimated to be the gate to the temple.