Jember Fashion Carnaval 2012, 8 July

Yesterday, July 8th 2012, the most spectacular fashion carnival in Indonesia,  annual Jember Fashion Carnaval,  was held successfully in Jember. Thousands of enthusiasts from Jember or vicinity stood in line along the 3.6 km runway to see this XI Jember Fashion Carnaval.

The parade started in 14.00 until 16.00. The main catwalk was on Jalan Alun-Alun Jember, Jalan Sultan Agung , Jalan Gajah Mada and finish point at Jember Sport Hall. The costume theme featured: The Rome Empire, Madurese, Dragon, Trinidad & Tobago, Oceanarium, Savana, Planet Heredity, Mushroom, Persian, Orchidaceae.

More than 600 hundreds journalist and photographers from Indonesia and abroad were there to document the event.

Jember Fashion Carnaval 2012 Exclusive Photos

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