Tale of Ki Ageng Mangir and Pembayun

According to Babad Tanah Jawi, a chronicle, Ki Ageng Mangir or Raden Jaka balud or Ki Ageng Megatsari was the son of King Brawijaya V or King Kertabumi, king of Majapahit in the 14th certury.

In the collapse of Majapahit Empire, King Brawijaya’s descents preferred to travel westward and settle in fertile regions, the former of Old Mataram Kingdom. In Babad Tanah Jawi, Raden Megatsari was interested in coconut trees at Progo river bank. That area was also home of many animals.People followed Ki Ageng Mangir and settled at Mangir village and live happily as farmer and making coconut sugar.

After Ki Ageng Mangir I died, the village was led by Ki Ageng Mangir II or Raden Wonoboyo. He was the leader, guru and whom to ask for the village people. Even, Ki Ageng Mangir influence reached villages in the vicinity. Ki Ageng Mangir led his village with cooperation action (gotong royong) and Islam belief. Ki Ageng was also democratic leader, and independent and he was not influenced by other community.
When Pajang supremacy replaced to Mataram in 1589, Mangir was in peaceful situation and Ki Ageng  mangir I died and succeeded by his son, Ki Ageng Mangir Wonoboyo III or Ki Ageng Mangir IV. Ki Ageng Mangir IV was still young and he was single, interested in arts and culture. He was proud of having Kiai Barukuping or Kiai Baruklinting spear.

Senopati Ing Ngalaga Ing Mataram after promoted as Sultan of pajang did not want to stay in Pajang palace and he used title panembahan Senopati instead. Panembahan means leader, teacher of society. He guided society with culture. Panembahan Senopati heard that Mangir which was located not far from Mataram did not want to be the subordinate of Mataram.
Ki Ageng Mangir reasons for his resistance was religious faith, he did not want to worship human or other creatures of God as like in the following song verse :Pan Allah kang andarbeni bumi, aku suwita ing Allahutangala, ora ngawula senopati, jer pada titahing Pangeran (Isn’t in God who owns the world, i am servat of God , not Senopati as we are both God’s creature)

Ki Ageng Mangir wanted to defense his ancestor’s land, who opened the forest without asking anyone’s assistance, and why should he surrender this to other someone? Ki Ageng Mangir, felt that he had authority over Mangir, and that he was on the right side and felt stronger than Senopati.

The Younf Ki Ageng Magir disobedience  was known by Panembahan Senopati and his adviser, Ki Juru Martani and other followers. Panembahan Senopati tried to look for the best way out for this to conquer Mangir. Panembahan Senopati had an experience with his father, Ki Ageng Pemanahan, Ki Penjawi, Ki Juru Martani who finished the rebellion of Arya Penangsang, adipati Jipang Panolan. But that kind of method would not be applied to Mangir, Panembahan Senopati said. Mangir will be treated in more human and cultured way.

Putri Pembayun was the beloved daughter of Panembahan Senopati, she voluntarily became a messenger to conquer Ki Ageng Mangir Wonoboyo. Mataram knew that Ki Ageng Mangir and his ancestors were relatives of Majapahit. This story spread since Ki Ageng Pemanahan and Sunan Kalijaga were still alive. So the relation was broken due to distance and firrefernt beliefs. Therefore, this matter should be finished with peaceful way. Mataram men undercover as troupe. The troupe  constituted of prominent Mataram men. Adipati Martalaya under covered  as Dalang (puppeteer) Sandiguna led this secret mission  assisted by Ki Jayasupanta , Ki Sandisasmita and Ki Suradipa as gamelan players. Retna Pembayun played as waranggana or singer and as daughter of Ki Dalang and accompanied by Nyai Adirasa.

The troupe carried gamelan, wayang and numerous gamelan players. And finally they arrived in Mangir.    Ki Ageng Mangir accepted their visit as this village was having celebration after harvest time. The wayang show was held, and the single Ki Ageng Mangir was attracted to the singer who sat behind the Dalang. The troupe then entertained by various menus in Ki Ageng house. The house was quiet as the owner was single man. And later Ki Ageng mangir who fell in love with the singer proposed her and they both married. By the marriage, actually that Mangir was already part of Mataram Palace.

Ki Mangir did not know that his wife was Pembayun, the princess of Mataram. He did not want to obey Mataram, but he had been son in law of Mataram. Ki Ageng Mangir was really in a crossroad. He loved his wife very much, but to attend to Mataram would be a disgrace to Mangir and his ancestor who had built Mangir, and his ancestor message to keep the independent of Mangir bothered him.

Nyai Ageng Manir, or Retno Pembayun kept asking her husband to meet her father. Ki Ageng Mangir thought why princess of Mataram agreed to marry him? Finally he agreed to meet his father in law in Mataram. mangir pride should be with him, his spear, Kiai barukuping. He should be there as a knight, as equal as in Mangir there is no more casta or paying obeisance. Mataram has prepared ceremony to welcome them. Ki Ageng and Nyai Ageng Mangir who was pregnant, were followed by relatives. They headed to the palace of Mataram (currently Kotagede). At the palace, everything had been set,  Ki Ageng Mangir’s followers and relatives were set to rest and entertained in dining room.

Ki Ageng Mangir was asked to disarmed, including his spear should be left. He took position to sungkem, kneel and respect in front of Panembahan Senopati as his father in law (Javanese tradition). The room was silence. When Ki Ageng Mangir touched the ground to sungkem, suddenly Panembahan Senopati attacked him for politic revenge.Ki Ageng Mangir died, while Pembanyun cried seeing that.

Probably Pembayun loved Ki Ageng Mangir, She probably did not know her father’s plan. And probably she was the victim of power ambition.