Purwaceng: Natural Viagra from Dieng Plateau, Central Java, Indonesia

Purwacend is also known as Java’s viagra, one of traditional Indonesian herb for man. The latin name of this herb is Pimpinella Alpina. In the beginning, Purwaceng was only found in Dieng Plateau, Central Java, but later also other parts of Indonesia: Central Java, East Java and West Java ( Gunung Putri, Gunung Pangrango, andGunung Tengger). Purwaceng grow on hi altitude place  range from 2000 to 3000 meters. Physically, purwaceng is like tendril with small reddish green leave range from 1 to 3 cm.

Purwaceng leaves are proven to increase testosterone hormone and libido.  Since long time ago, locals had used it as afrodisiac herb and to relieve exhaust from work. According to research, Purwaceng also has kumarin as anti fungi, anti cancer and anti bacteria. dr Taufiq R Nasihun, made research about Purwaceng and tested this on 6 group of 10 sprague dawley (white mouse). Respectively the groups were given 2 ml aquades, 25 mg purwaceng, 50 mg purwaceng, 25 mg pasak bumi, and 25 mg purwaceng and pasak bumi.Pasak bumi is Eurycoma longifolia that has afrodisiac content. He gave those ingredient everyday orally.

Practically,testosterone of the mouse given 50 mg Purwaceng is the highest: 125%. Testosteron is steroid androgen hormone. Organ produces testosterone is testis for male and ovary for female. Testis produces testosterone  throughout life. Male produces 20 times more than female. 50 mg purwaceng dosage also raise luteinizing hormone up to 29.2%. Lutenizing is hormone produced by anterior hypophysis in brain and this stimulates testis cells to produce testosterone. This means that purwaceng gave direct and indirect as afrodisiac. 25 mg purwaceng raise 196.3% testosterone but luteinizing only increase 2.5%. Herbs can favor to temporary sexual activity problems. Why this tendril can increase testosterone? Pimpinella alpina has sterol,  furanokumarin bergapten, isobergapten,and  sphondin. Those compounds can be found in its root and stock. The first mentioned compound is conversed by human body into testosterone. While other compounds stimulate central nerve to produce luteinizing hormone.

Purwaceng showed no side effect on the research. Research shows 600 mg per day dosage for 14 days  shows no side effect to the mouse Other research purwaceng to human also has been conducted to 40 years or more men . 1 group is given 50 mg per day for 15 days, and the other group is given placebo capsule. The men given purwaceng everyday had their luteinizing hormone and free androgen index increased and fix androgen deficiency. Men with free androgen index 30-150 are normal and healthy. This is a good news for 40-50 years old man as they are amiltauson risk or testosterone decreasing symptoms for estrogenic environment pollution.