Gunung Wilis is located in Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia. The height is 2563 meters and the highest non-active mountain in East Java. This mountain is administratively located in Regency of Tulungagung, Kediri, Nganjuk, Madiun, Ponorogo and Trenggalek. This mountain has 5 peaks that can be accessed from those cities, example: Liman Peak is accessible from Nganjuk and Kediri. It said that there is one of the peaks that is not climbed yet. On ± 2300m asl, there is a peak that can be accessed from Tulungagung and the most fave peak for climbers as the track is challenging and also located nice scenery of waterfall, old temple, and tea plantation on the foot of Mt Wilis.
Here is Tulungagung climbing route. The route started at Penampihan village that can be reached by public transport. Penampihan is popular as milk and vegetable producer. Enroute, there are ferns, orchid, but Edelweiss is very rare seen here. The mountain is still pristine that there are animals like phyton, monkeys, pig. From Tulungagung, the peak is 6-8 hours and about 9 km track. There are no base camp or resting area enroute. Water is available at the last village and 1/4 trip to top, at waterfall. There are leeches along the track. It is recommended to prepare water sufficient for 2 days for return trip.
The waterfall on the foot of Mt Wilis is beautiful with 3o meters height. Usually climbers open camp at Watu Godeg (Big Rock). About reaching summit, climbers will pass pine trees, grass and moss. From the peak, other peaks in Java such as Semeru, Lawu, Merapi are visible.