Ider Bumi ritual is held by all member of Kemiren Village, from children to adults. And this has been custome since 1840. The involve ment of children enlivens the ritual, but indirectly children involved only in offering procession.
Ider Bumi is held annualy, on the second day of Idul Fitri, moslem great day. Most of Osing ethnic are Moslem and this ritual shows that Islam of Osing ethnic are not pure but influenced with tradition or called as sincretism. Sincretism in Osing culture is just like sincretism in other parts of Java, that Islam culture mixes with Javanese culture.
Ider Bumi is located at Kemiren Village, and held at few places related with ritual preparation to the real place for the ritual. The preparation is held at Buyut Cili grave ,that is considered as sacred by Kemiren inhabitants. This place is believed as where the village protector lives and it has supernatural power. Other place for preparation sequence is Barong house where Barong is stored, and this ritual is held to ask for permission to hold ritual. This was aimed so the ritual will run smoothly, safe for Barong house owner and all Kemiren member.
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The center of the ritual is held at two places. Parade on village street from east adjacent to Banjarsari up to west adjacent to Tamansuruh village. The ritual from east to west is related to Islam that the Mecca is on the west.
Offering is an important part of the ritual or known as sesajen that is dedicated to unseen entity dwells in certain places. Sesajen is made of flowers, incensed, coins, foods to avoid supernatural entities bothering them and to get blessed. The sesajen in Ider ritual consists of 3 sesajen for Buyut Cili, Barong house and village street.
For offering at Buyut Cili grave, consists of Tumpeng that is made of rice in cone shape to honor spirit, Pecel Pitik that is made of chicken with vegetable, Jenang Abang and putih (rice porridge with and without coconut sugar), 2 cigarettes, Kinangan (betel leaf, gambier, tobacco and creamy limestone), Toya Arum (water with fragrance flowers like Polianthes tuberosa, Michelia Champaca, Cananga odorata or rose). Sekul arum or burnt myrrh to get aroma and smoke for sacred ambience.
The ritual started at 15.00 when parade starts when day is not too hot. This ritual is held to avoid drought, sickness or other bad things to the village.