Different with other tourist attractions, Museum is a riminder to the past. Museum Brawijaya is located at Jalan Ijen no 25 Malang and officially opened in May 4th 1968 that covers 6825 sqm.
In front of museum displayed tank collection on 10 november battle in Surabaya. And weapon to protect from air attack that was seized by BKR in September 1945 from Japan. Cannon 3.5 Inch was named as Si Buang and AMP-Track tank that was used bu TRIP fighters.
Collections inside the museum are weapons collections for independence striggle. Photos in physical fight. Rebellion photos. Old Malang photos, old computer that was used only to calculate, belongings of General Sudirman, and many more. There is also displayed ‘death’ railway coach as the icon of the museum.
The motto of the museum is Cipta Uthapana Cakra derives from Sanskrit. Citra mean light, Uthapana means generate and cakra means power. So the motto means light that generates power.