Ndalem Yudonegaran at Jalan Ibu Ruswo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

This house was built by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VII (1877-1921) initially occupied by Dewi, the 38th daughter of Sri Sultan HB VII from his queen GKR Kencono. Currently the house is ised as residence for GBPH Yudoningrat, the 13th daughter of Sri Sultan HB IX from KRAy Hastungkoro. The house was ever utilized as Literature faculty of Gajah Mada University in 1960s, before the university moved to Bulak Sumur. There are 35 ‘ngidung’ house and several buildings units in this ndalem complex that later used as Farmacy School and Chemist School since 1960s. Since 2987, PORDASI Secretary (The Association of Indonesia Equestrian Sport ) is based here. The house can accommodate wedding party and other special events. There is horse carriage that can be rent.