Ndalem Mangkubumen di Jalan Kadipaten

This house was built in 1865, by Sultan Hamengku Buwono VI and erected as house his royal prince, Pangeran Adipati Anom. After the prince coronation, this house was occupied by his brother GPH Mangkubumi, so it is more popular as Damelm Mangkubumen. After Mangkubumi died, his brother GPH Buminoto replaced him and live in the house until 1928. The house was used by General Sudirman in Dutch Military Aggression II. Since 1983 until today, the house has been using by Widya Mataram University and Mataram High School.

The hosue has joglo roof on pendopo and limas an roof on the main building. The structure  is square and consists of meeting room (pendopo), shadow puppet room, and living room. The pendapa has terraced blandar named blandar tumpangsari, it is wider on the upper and it has 4 pillars (saka guru) in the middle of the room. The saka guru constructions is called as sunduk kili as the function is as rope of the building