Before named as Condrokiranan, this house was named as Wijilan. It was the residence of Adipati Gusti Pangeran Aryo Mataram that later was inaugurated as Sri Sultan hamengkubuwono III. And the house was taken over by Gusti Pangeran Wijil, and the his son KRT Wijil, so this house is known as Ndalem Wijilan. Then the house was given to BPH Joyowinotobefore sold to the last owner GKR Condrowinoto, wife of KPH Danurejo, the last patih of Yogyakarta. Until today this house is popular as Ndalem Condrokiranan. This house now used as Sono Budoyo Museum Unit II, to accommodate the more collections of Museum Sonobudoyo I. One of the museum collections are Pakualaman tandu, gamelan, handicraft, and crops of agriculture and plantation in Yogyakarta.
Actually this house was traditional Javanese house with pendopo, peringgitan, and gandok. But later the house was developed in European style, though the original architecture can still be recognized.