NDalem Joyokusuman, Javanese Traditional House, See the Bed where Sultan was Born, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

nDalem Joyokusuman is part of Sultan Palace, Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. The house is set with Javanese architecture and function. Currently, this house is used by Gusti Bendoro Pangeran Haryo (GBPH) Haji Jojokusumo and his family. He is one of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX with Kanjeng Raden Ayu Widyaningrum and also brother of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. He is the Kawedanan Hageng Panitrapura and as Narpa Cundoko.

This building was established in 1916, stem from Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII initiative. The first resident of this house was KRT Condrokusumo, the nephew of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VII. Later occupied by Gusti Bendoro Haryo (GBPH) Bintoro, brother of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX that became Narpo Cundoko Dalem. GBPH Bintoro ever in charged as Consulate General Republic Indonesia in Ontario and the first president of Lion Club Indonesia.

nDalem Joyokusuman has 7 rooms, separated by wall called as Cempuri. The seven rooms are pendopo, peringitan, senthing tengah (middle room), sentong tengen (right room), sentong kiwo (left room), gadri dan pawon (kitchen). This plan delineates that man is the main ruler of family and woman is the mother of the household. Both should form a conducive situation to create better generation.

PENDOPO is the front part of the house, used as place to accept guests. Currently, this part is utilized as Gadri Restaurant and accommodate other activities such as batik. There is a cage standing at Pendopo called Kurungan Tedak Siten used in traditional ceremony and old clock gift from Ngarso Dalem SDISKS Hamengkubuwono IX to KTAy Widyaningrum, mother of GBPH H Yojokusumo.

PERINGGITAN is the second room behind pendopo separated by a big door in the middle and 2 doors on left and right side. Peringgitan was used as living room. Inside peringgitan there is a big umbrella of Payung Kebesaran pangeran used in palace ceremony. There are also displayed gifts from Ngarso Dalem SDISKS Hamengkubuwono IX toward KRAy Widyaningrum

Sentong Tengah is middle room behind peringgitan, where traditionally placed pendaringan or pasareyan tengah, where equipments and accessories are placed, including loro bloyo statues, accecories of Javanese hair; a floral konde used in palace ceremonials. Here also displays Kiswah, gift from King Fath from Saudi Arabia. Senthong Tengah was where Tampa Kaya ritual after Panggih Ceremony in wedding procession held. Tampa Kaya is the symbol of the eagerness of husband to fulfill the needs of wife and family.

Sentong Tengen is a closed room located next to Sentong Tengah. This room was the bedroom of GBPH H Joyokusumo, where there is a big bed from the late KRT Condrokusumo, the nephew of Sultan Hamengku Buwono VII.

Sentong Kiwo is a closed room located on the lest of Senthong Tengah. This room was used as guest room. Currently, the room is used for museum with KRAy Widyaningrum bed, also the bed of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX in display. The bed is furnished with two big pillows, two bolsters, two gembuk and two small pillows.

Gadri is a big room behind Senthong Tengah and separated by a big sliding door. This room is used as dining room for family and relatives and to welcome guests in Royal Dinner and Lunch for Gadri Resto. The rear of the room has small pendopo used to place gamelan of nDalem Joyokusuman.

Pawon is family kitchen. This room was important in Javanese house, as dining, drink were presented from here.