Candi Sojiwan, Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia

Candi Sojiwan looks like irregularly composed stone blocks that is very vulnerable to collapse. This temple is located not far from Prambanan temple, and the restoration is not finished yet up to now. But the authority targeted that in 2011 this temple restoration will be complete.

This temple is classified as Buddha temple. This temple complex is consists of main temple and several perwara (ancillary) temples. The main temple faces west with square structure. The hallway is located on the temple base and surrounds the temple body. Kalamakara is decorated the entrance.

On the left and right of the stairs depicts relief, and so does the temple base. Generally, Buddhist temple relief is characterized by dwarf creature and Kinara kinari or winged creature that dwell in kahyangan (heaven). On the temple angles, depicts Simbar relief and Jaladwara or water tap.

Temple body is square, and the chamber is empty as this temple is not reconstructed yet, so is the roof. On the right of main temple, there is a big building with andesit block wall and it is pretty tall. This building is assumed to be a Vihara, while the perwara temple ruins are smaller than the main temple size. The roof of the main temple is big stupa shape.

This temple is estimated to be constructed as other temples in the vicinity, in Old Mataram Kingdom period, reigned by Syailendra Dynasty that was Buddha follower. Other temple around Candi Sojiwan built by Syailendra are Candi Sewu, Candi Kalasan, Candi Plaosan.

This temple is not known by most tourist as the restoration is not finished yet and experts have not publish the information about this temple. To visit this temple is not diffucult, as it is located as Sojiwan village, Kebondalem Kidul, Prambanan, Klaten Regency, Central Java, which is only 2 km on the south east of Prambanan Temple and can be accessed by car, or becak.