Astana Giri Bangun Cemetery is located on the western slope of Mt Lawu, administratively situated on Karangbangun village, Matesih, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. This is where second Indonesia president Soeharto and his wife buried. The cemetery was built under Astana Mangadeg, cemetery complex of Mangkunegaran Rulers. Astana Mangadeg is 750 m asl, while Giribangun is 666 m asl. There is a tunnel that connects both cemetery that can be entered by certain people and on certain days only.
Although the complex was built in 1974, it was officially used in 1976. Astana Giri Bangun was devided into 3 sections, Cungkup Argosari, Cungkup Argokembang and Cungkup Argotuwuh. Cungkup Argosari is 81 meters square, is the main building that is located in the middle. The building is shaded by joglo roof style and engraved wooden wall. In this building there are 5 tomb stones, Tien Soeharto, Soeharto, Soemarharjomo couple, and Siti Hartinah.
Cungkup Argosari is 243 meters square and planed for 12 bodies, for Soeharto family, children and sons/daughters in law. And there are hallway of 405 meters square, for 48 bodies. This hall is for cemetery advisers, and daily administrator of Yayasan mangadeg that manages the cemetery.
Cungkup Argokembang is outside the main building 567 meters square for 116 bodies. Cungkup Argowutuh is located at the outermost, 729 meters square. Those area are for the administrator of Yayasan Mangandeg or Mangkunegaran family.
There are other supporting buildings here, such as mosque, house, main gate and building for pilgrims or visitors.