Candi (Temple) Lumbung, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia

Candi Lumbung is situated southward of Candi Sewu, administratively located in Klaten Regency, Surakarta, Central Java. There is no evidence about the original name of the temple, or whether Lumbung is its original name. Lumbung is given as name for this temple by local people as the architecture looks like barn for paddy. This Buddhist temple is cluster of 17 buildings, constitutes of 1 main temple in the center, surrounded by 16 perwara temple. The complex yard is sealed with andesit blocks.

The main temple is now only remnants, in shape of polygon of 20 sides with 350 m square base. Temple body stands on 2.5 metyers platform. Stairways and entrance located on the east side. The entrance is completed with veranda and hallway to the temple chamber. Outer wall, each side, is decorated with carvings of man and woman with size similar to original human size. Kuwera and Hariti figure flanking the entrance.

North, west and south outer wall are constructed with niches to place Dhyani Buddha statuary. Niches on each side is three, that total niches are 9. At the meantime, none of the statuary there. The roof of the main temple has been collapse, but estimated that the shape is stupa with pointed top, just like the perwara’s roof. The yard of the main temple is surrounded by fence, that only ruins left.

Perwara temple is 16, lining surround main temple. All of the perwara face the main temple, they have 1 meters platform, and basic construction of 3 m square. Temple wall is plain, no decorations presentce. On the wast side, right in front of the entrance, there is a stair with railing. On the entrance decorated with kalamakara without lower jaw.

The roof of perwara temples are terraces cube and the top is stupa. Every angle of the cube is decorated with small stupa. Inside the temple chamber there is a table of stone like statuary pedestal that are sompossed paralleled.