Pancuran Pitu ( 7 flows) Hotspring, Banyumas, Central Java

Pancuran means tap or faucet where water flows, and pitu means seven. Pancuran Pitu hotspring is a hotspring that source from 7 springs. Located 2.5 Km from the gate of Baturaden, and has good roading condition. To get to the spring, it takes 300 meters walking through steep stairs.

The spring is a flowing water through rock cracks on the height of 1 meter. The water looks really hot as it flows it smolders and the rock it is passed changes its color to brown.

The water flows to a light yellow and green canyon that smokes. The entire canyon is covered by hot flowing water that flows slowly to the lower canyon, that the rocks seems to be steamy. The combination of colors is very stunning.

There is a place where visitors can see scenery from other side, from the lower part of the canyon. From here it is more clear view that not only hot water that flows through the canyon.

In the vicinity, located Gua Sarabadak, small rock cave without access to get in. Next to this cave, there is a sacred place, believed to be a some kind of king trace, called as Batur Sengkala. Batur Sengkala is a small site with stairs and seat-like item.

Syekh Maulana Maghribi was an ulema. HE was a prince from Turk.  Oneday after dawn he saw a mysterious light from the south east direction. He was curious and the tried to find out the source of the light, accompanied by his bestfriend, Datuk and his servant. They sailed to the light direction and the he arrived at a shore in Gresik, where the light was on the west and he arrived in Central java and spread Islam in the region.Oneday he got a serious itch disease that was not easily healed, one day after prayer, he got a revelation to go to Mt Gora. After arriving at the Mountain, he asked his friend to leave him at where the smoking water located. Everyday he showered there until his disease finally healed.

Local people call Syekh Maulana Maghribi as Mbah Atas Angin (Man from above the wind) as he came from far away place. He later than is named as Haji Datuk Rusuhudu means a loyal servant, in Javanese servant is Batur. This place later called as Baturaden. And because Syekh Maulana Maghribi recovered from the disease, Mt Gora then named as Gunung Slamet, Slamet is Javanese word for save, healthy. This place is deemed to be sacred, people from Central Java especially the vicinity come here on Selasa Kliwon (Tuesday) and Jumat Kliwon (Friday) of Javanese Calendar.