Benteng Vredeburg has close relation to Kasultanan Yogyakarta. Giyanti Treaty split Mataram into two smaller kingdom, kasultanan Yogyakarta and Susunanan Solo, this treaty is the result of Dutch tactic to damage the good relationship among two sides.
After the treaty, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I built palace complex, and also taman sari that may look like fourtress as well. And fortress that encircle Kraton area. Sri Sultan was an outstanding architect. The fact that Sri Sultan built those buildings made Dutch worried that Dutch proposed to build fortress adjacent to Kraton for security reason. The real reason was that the closeness location will give an ease of control over the Kraton development. The fortress is just i shot cannon distance from Kraton, and the position is facing the main road to Kraton are the primary indications that the fourtress was utilized as strategic, intimidating, assault, and blockade fourtress. Other words, this fortress was built in case Sultan change his mind and against them. Because of the political contract between them, native leaders were facing hard times counter the colonial including Sri Sultan that he granted the proposal.
Formerly, the fortress was built in humble construction, in 1976. The shape was square with guards shelter on every corner. The wall was made of clay and strengthen by pillars of coconut wood, while inside was bamboo wall and roof was made of reed.
In 1765, WH Ossenberch, the predecessor of Nicolas Harting, suggested Sultan to make the fortress permanent for security reason. Sultan agreed with the suggestion and construction commenced in 1767 under the surveillance of Ir. Frans Haak, a Dutch building expert. The construction used red cement, limestone, sand and brick. The fortress finished in 1787, after 20 years construction. This slow construction was due to the focus of Sultan to finish Kraton complex. The fortress was named as Rustenburg, The Resting Fortress.
In 1867, Jogja was hit by a quake that ruin Residence Building, Pal Putih Monument and other buildings. Those buildings were restored, and Rustenburg was also reconstructed and named as Vredeburg Fortress, derived from good relation between Dutch and Kraton.
The fortress is square as the first draft, with bastion on every corner of it. The main gate face west and surrounded by ditch. Inside the fortress, there are official house, soldiers dorm, logistic storeroom, ammunition storage, clinic, Resident House. The occupants were 500 soldiers including medical staff. This building also functioned as Resident shelter of Ducth that was in charge in Jogja, as Resident office located across the fortress.
Fortress belonged to Kraton and then given to Dutch (VOC). VOC bankruptcy led Bataafsche Republic (Dutch Govt) to take over the fortress by Governor Van Den Burg until Daendels. When British occupied Indonesia, Governor General Raffles took over, and then occupied by Dutch for awhile until Dutch defeated by Japanese in 1942.
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On 9 August 1980 Vredeburg was used as National Culture Information & Development Centre and on April 16 1985 was restored to be Struggle Museum. Museum opened in 1987 and in 23 November 1992, was named as National Struggle Museum by name of Museum Benteng Vredeburg.