This tea plantation is located 30 KM north of Malang, notably in Lawang District that lies on the foot of Mt Arjuno. It has ease of access, by private car or even public transport.
Wonosari tea plantation is the oldest tea plantation in East Java that was utilized as agrotourism. The idea started in 1998, as the application of Kaliklatak Plantation try out in Banyuwangi.
Wonosari is located at between 950 and 1over 1350 meters, and has a cool weather. It spans over seven square kilometers with a stunning sweeping valleys of tea. The plantation was founded in 1910, aslo grown Indian Assamn, Chinese Cyrenci tea that are exported to Middle East, and United Kingdom.
Visitors can enjoy strolling through tea plantation and see the tea process in the factory, beside enjoy the nice scenery and fresh air. The region is also completed with hotel, tennis court, swimming pool and outbound area.