This botanical garden is located in Pasuruan Regency, East Java and it is easily accessible. Was established in January 30th 1941 by Dr. L.G.M Baas Becking, and it is one of units branch of Bogor Botanical Garden that each unit has certain function and task. Other botanical gardens are located in Cibodas and Bali, and the management is supervised by LIPI 9(The Indonesian Institute of Sciences).
In the beginning this garden was used as research mean of plants, but then in 1954 the guidelines of botanical garden were applied by slotting plantations. Since 1980, plants were rearranged per family using Engler and Pranti clasification system. On further development this unit will be developed as center of research and conservation dry climate plants in tropics area.
Orchids are placed in a green house. There are 2.344 orchids that consist of 319 species’s, 69 genus, and 277 sp.7 of the orchids are endemic from East Java, such as Appendicula imbricata, Dendrobium arcuatum, Paphiopedilum glaucophyllum and etc. And the endangered orchid species are Phalaenopsis amabilis (Moon Orchid),Coelogyne pandurata (Black Orchid from Kalimantan), The Rust-red Ascocentrum (Ascocentrum miniatum), etc.
Around 30 kind of bamboo grow in this botanical garden, 16 are from Java, 2 from Maluku, 2 from Sulawesi, and 10 from Asian Countries such as China, Japan, Thailand, India and Birma. The indigenous bamboo from East Java is Gigantochloa manggong or known as Manggong Bamboo, Gigantochloa apus (pring apus) that is utilized as furniture, roof or handicraft,
Dendrocalamus asper (pring petung) utilized for its young stalk for food, and Schizostachyum silicatum (pring wuluh)for flutes.
Palm Trees
Is in Arecaceae family is one of the oldest species. huge amount of genus (200-300), and 2000-3000 species that are widespread in tropical and sub tropical climates area. Indonesia is the world richest palm. Among 46 genus of the total wordls palm genus, Indonesia is the home of 29 genus. There are 12 palms that are protected and considered as endangered spesies:Pinanga javana (Pinang Jawa), Pigafatta filaris (Manga), Livistona spp (Fan Palm of Sumatera), Nenga gajah (Palem Sumatera), Phoenix paludosa (Korma rawa), Borrassodendron borneensis (Bindang), Caryota no (Palem raja), Ceratolobus glaucescens (Palem Jawa), Cystostachys lakka (Pinang merah Kalimantan), Cystostachys ronda (Pinang merah Bangka), Eugeissona utilis (Bertan), Johanneste ijsmaria altifrons (Daun payung).Purwodadi had 60 genus, 117 species and 435 individual on 845.148 m2 area.
Palms have ranges of interesting shape and they are also useful for herbs.
Ferns is located under the shade as this type of plant needs shade and moisture. Purwodadi has 60 species of ferns, 36 genus and 21 family, such as Lygodium circinnatum, Platycerium coronarium, Asplenium nidus, Adiantum trapeziforme. Besides utilizing as garden plants, ferns can be used as vegetable (Athyrium esculentum), herbs (Equisetum debile), orchid media (Cyathea contaminans) and handicraft material (Lygodium circinnatum).
Wide collections of herb plants can be found here, from Pace (Morinda citrifolia)that can be used to cure hypertension,
Graptophyllum pictum, to cure hemoroid, Merremia mammosa for diabetes melitus patient, Blumea balsamifera for atsma, heart illness, and many more.
5 species of banana grow here, they are M. troglodytarum, M. balbisiana, Musa acuminata, M. orrnata and M. paradiksiaca. 148 types of banana have been developed by Purwodadi Botanical garden, including Pisang Kates with its big size of banana.
There are 4 kinds of mango can be found here namely Mangifera foetida, Mangifera indica, Mangifera odorata that are from Java and Mangifera minor from Sumbawa. There are other 37 mangos that are developed in this garden.
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