Jumprit Spring : Buddhist Holy Water, Temanggung, Central Java, Indonesia

Jumprit is a spring located in Ngadirejo, Temanggung, Central Java, and just 26 KM from Temanggung City. Right on the slope of Mt Sindoro, on 800 m asl make make this spring has a mild temperature and green surrounding. This spring never dry even in the driest season.

Jumprit has  drawn visitors from Java especially pilgrim visitors who are into meditation or spiritual tourism. Jumprit is also the Ki Jumprit Tomb Stone site, he is the well known dukun in Majapahit era burried in this area. Usually javanese come here to mediatate or put offering on his tomb stone. Jumprit name mentioned in Centini, literature of Javanese Poet in 1815. According to Centini, Ki Jumprit beside also a fortune-teller also the son of King Brawijaya of Majapahit, the story date back when Islam started to take over Java.

The spring comes out from the depth of cave that was overgrown by creeping plants, and water drops from the rock through the leaves of creeping plants. The water feels so cold even at noon. Inside the cave there is a meditation room with monkey statue. This statue is not depicted Hanoman like in Ramayana epic but is a white monkey that was owned by Singonegoro, that was meditated in this spring with his companions and Ki Dipo, his monkey. Singonegoro  was the advisor of King Brawijaya, the last emperor of Majapahot. Monkeys that now living freely in this forrest are believed to be the descendant of Ki Dipo, as he resided here and took care of his master tomb.

Buddhist Monks collect the water from Jumprit spring for the Buddhist event, Vesak. Annually 3 days before Vesak, Jumprit is very busy of water collecting ritual by Buddhist Monks. Buddist priests choose water from Jumprit because the water is perceived to have strong spiritual power. A scientist from German also had made researched about the water and the result was that water of Jumprit contains least pathogen bacteria.

Prossession of taking the holy water in Jumprit :

This procession is carried out by 6 monks and followed by more than 200 monks from 12 sanghas initiated with paritra prayer. Sometimes monks from Thailand and also engage in this ritual. Monks then collect water in small jars that have been blessed in front of Budha statue. The water then is resided in in front of Buddha Statue that is decorated with 7 kinds of flowers in Mendut Temple, the oldest Buddhist Temple in Indonesia, for one night.

The holy water then will be blessed by the priest leader of sanghas and followed by other monks. The  jars with holy water then resided in front of Buddha after 3 times encircle Mendut Temple. The next day, the holy water will be paraded to Borobudur Temple for Waisya Ceremony.

After the holy water resided, the next procession is to to take eternal flame from Mrapen Purwodadi to be resided with the holy water.