Surabaya Mangrove Conservation, Batik Mangrove

Surabaya as the second biggest city in Indonesia has a natural set for local peoples to enjoy ocean, mangrove, river, and flora and fauna. Mangrove conservation in Surabaya started by the awareness of locals. Muchson or Sony, is the pioneer of this conservation. He started to clean, observe , investigate and make effort to process mangrove fruit since 1998. He then tried to make something to eat over mangrove fruits, such as syrup, dodol, candies. Also Sony and his mangrove farmer association is cleaning the mangrove area from litters, and empowering mangrove for locals well being. From mangrove species, he had developed mangrove for flour, rice substutition, and cendol. And this man made effort of reforestation and cleaning mangrove with his own expenses.

Mangrove is also useful for natural batik color, kown as mangrove batik and the pioneer is Ms. Lulut. She employs waste from mangrove process by Mr Sony for this purpose. Almost every part of mangrove tree can be used as color material. She can make use of unripe Sonneratio caseolaris that can not be processed into syrup and processes it into natural  liquid shop. She also propagate green life to her neighborhood and become the leader of Environment Care Forum of Rungkut District. This forum invented composting antagonist bacteria that can process garbage into liquid manure, fasten composting,   and omits bad smell.

Liquid soap is made of mangrove Jijibus jujuba species, Aloe vera and lerak. As this is a natural soap, water waste can be used to water plants or flowers. Ms. Lulut has designed 44 batik design with motive of mangrove, leaves, flower, fruit and other sea animals such as fish, crab and shrimp. Every motive has its specific mangrove, with its latin name, local name or even additional name.

Tanjang putih motive, for example, used Bruguiera cylinelrica with additional Rhizophoraceae component. The design is tree from root, leaves and bud become the main motive surrounded by flowerd. This motive is intermittent with Rhizophoraceae flower motive.

Mange motive is from Aegicera floridum surrounded by flower of Myrsinaceae as decorations. Crab, fish, shrimp give this motive coastal design feel. To give Surabaya character that is straightforward, painting technique does not use canting only but partly painted with brush.

Red color is made of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, red chilly and secang. To create yellow color, he used nyamplung, curcurma and gambir.

In Mangrove Wonorejo, though it is still preliminary stage, visitors can enjoy various of mangrove at the eastern coast of Surabaya. Administratively the eastern coast mangrove is located in Wonorejo village, Surabaya. Mangrove forest in Surabaya is the home of 147 birds species, the 12 species are protected species. There are 44 migrant birds from Australia heading to Europe transit there. Visitors can enjoy boat riding through river and then walk on jetty through mangroves.

Beside seeing mangrove, visitors can see coastal life. Locals live from salt water pond for fish. Cycling through fish ponds can be done as well, if you love cycling. Sometimes birds are swimming in the pond. The fishpond neighborhood is very quiet, unlike what people imagine about Surabaya, only sometimes one or two farmers working at ponds.

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Surabaya Mangrove Tour
Student Mangrove Program